Get jBilling


To Install JRE on Windows

  1. Determine if Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit: 
    • Go to the Start Menu > Control Panel > System. The System Type properties will indicate 32-bit or 64-bit.
  2. Download current Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
    • Go to the Java SE download site - click HERE.
    • Select the current Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  3. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Double-click on the downloaded JRE file to install. Follow the prompts given by the Java SE Installation Wizard.
  4. Add the JRE bin directory to the Windows PATH environment variable:
    • Go to the Start Menu > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System Variables.
    • Click New... and add:
      • Variable name: JRE_HOME
      • Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60 (location and name of JRE on your computer).

To Install jBilling on Windows

  1. Download the most recent version of jBilling on SourceForge.
    • Please note: Ensure that you download the binary package, and not the source. The source has the suffix '-src'.
    • Example: Download, NOT
  2. Unzip the downloaded jBilling file:
    • To unzip, right click on the zipped file. A shortcut menu will appear.
    • Select the menu option: Extract All. A new unzipped folder with the same title (jbilling-community-4.1.1) will appear in your Downloads folder.
  3. Copy and paste the unzipped jBilling folder from your Downloads folder into your C:\Applications folder.
    • Please Note: If you do not have an Applications folder in your C: drive, you will need to create one.

To Run jBilling

  1. In Windows Explorer / File Explorer, navigate to the jBilling directory: C:\Applications\jbilling-community-4.1.1\bin.
  2. Double click on the startup.bat file. Tomcat will open in a separate window.
  3. Wait for Tomcat to finish starting up.
    • When it is complete, the text: INFO: Server startup in (a number) ms will appear in the Tomcat window.
    • Minimize the Tomcat window.
  4. In your browser, login to jBilling and create your own company.
  5. To create your own company, click HERE.
  6. To login after creating your company, click HERE
  7. Follow the steps provided in the Getting Started Guide to begin using jBilling.