jBilling and Asset Management

October 18 2013 by Crystal Bourque

Every business has to deal with inventory of some kind; equipment and even phone numbers need to be counted and have their status tracked. For example: Who has the modem with a specific serial number? Which customer needs to pay for calls made from a particular phone number?

Technically speaking, inventory might be considered to be outside the scope of billing, however it is something that customers will surely benefit from.

Join jBilling's founder, Emiliano Conde for a 60 minute webinar on Asset Management, an exciting new feature jBilling has to offer!

Event Information

Webinar: jBilling and Asset Management

Thursday, October 31, 2013

10:00 - 11:00 a.m. EST

Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6015924348971839490