Webinar - Routing Rate Cards

November 18 2013 by Crystal Bourque

There’s no question that billing for telecommunication services can be incredibly complex. Customers can make calls to different countries, to different zones within their own country, as well as from a different country to yet another country or zone. Each of these areas have their own rates, and the billing system needs to know specific information in order to bill the customer.

How can this complex scenario be solved so that customers are correctly invoiced?

Join jBilling’s founder and President, Emiliano Conde for a 60 minute presentation. He will review our new Route Rate Card functionality, and answers questions from the audience.

Event Information:
Webinar: jBilling and Route Rate Cards
Thursday, November 28, 2013
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. EST
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7773620130498577409