jBilling Academy Training Tracks
Track | Description | Date |
Activiti Workflow |
What is Activiti and how it can be integrated with jBilling and other tools like Sales Force |
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Collections |
Collections is an automated process that allows you to notify customers about their overdue invoices, attempt a payment on an invoice, and change the status of that customer's account. This training track will show you how to configure and successfully run jBilling's Collections process. |
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Liquibase |
How to correctly work with jBilling + Database Changes + Liquibase |
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Billing Process - Order Line Changes, Prorating |
Tracking order lines historical changes. Use this information to calculate charges for partial periods. |
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Billing Process - Functional |
Billing process period, orders involved, process review Part 1 is Core billing process theory & function |
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Invoice Delegation |
How the balance is not transfered. Current limitation with negative invoices |
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Credits and Refunds |
Functional review the difference between credit, refund and when an invoice can be negative (only on credits, not on overpayments) |
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Common uses and tricks. Emphasis on merging |
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Linux |
Kill a process, find a process, diff, tail, grep. Ssh setup, ping, apt-get, source. Ownership of files and directories |
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Installation |
Following the guide |
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Writing a Design |
Writing a design specification that follows the standard jBilling template |
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Internal events / Scheduled tasks |
What are they? Example plug-ins that use them |
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Plug-ins |
Review the types, explore how to create a new type of plug-in |
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jBilling Process - Plug-ins involved |
Order filter, invoice filter, invoice composition, order period selection |
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jBilling Reports |
Functional and technical overview of the Reports module in jBilling. Learn how to create a new report |
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Invoice Design |
How to create a custom invoice design for invoice presentation |
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Pricing Models 1 |
Why having them, how to create a new one |
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Pricing Models 2 |
An in-depth look at the currently available pricing strategies. (Functional + Technical) |
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Payment Processing |
Processing with queues, plug-in to integrate with gateways |
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Notifications |
Types, email plug-ins and velocity. Test plug-in. Troubleshooting notifications |
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Hadoop/HBase Concepts |
What are Map-reduce problems, Hadoop, HDFS (replication), hadoop job execution life cycle, column oriented noSQL database, HBase, regions in HBase, role of the ZooKeeper, how to install a cluster |
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Mediation 3 |
Overview, use & configuration of HADOOP & HBASE clusters |
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Real-time Mediation |
Validate Purchase, Update Current Order, Dynamic Balances. Current limitations |
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Performance Tuning |
How to resolve a poor performance issue. Use a specific methodology to close-in to the piece that is slow, then fix it |
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Provisioning |
How jBilling Orchestrates, Facilitates and Monitors Provisioning |
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Data Tables |
Previously known as 'Route tables' have expanded their role. What are they? how to use them for mediation? Telco use cases where they help |
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Asset Management |
How do they work. Review the design, tables, and code |
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Order Changes |
How do they work. Review the design, tables, and code |
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Route Table & Rate Cards |
How do they work. Their role in the mediation process. Review the design, tables, and code |
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Data Model |
Metafields. Learn about the tables and relationships how to dynamically create fields for key entities like customers, invoices, products, etc. |
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Usage Pool |
Free Usage Pools are pools made of free quantity, defined with various parameters that would control on how the free quantity is made available to the user of the FUP. The free quantity can be provided on the pool for one or more products or product categories, or for combination of products and categories. |
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Security |
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Discounts |
Discounts, restrictions, automatic and manual and much more |
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